This is a short and sweet statement, not every training session needs to be live fire! You do not always need the rifle to go bang to get good solid training in, focused reps is what is key to getting better overall.
Just snapping in and running you bolt will get you
more familiar with firing hand placement,, and where to grab the bolt knob to cycle it efficiently and get back onto the trigger, it also gets you comfortable with you weapon cycling while you keep your face on the cheekpiece and continue to observe down range at your target.
Practicing build and break drills will get your more in tune with building a fundamentally sound position, whether its standing to prone, or transition
ing from one position to the next.
Actually wearing your kit and practicing reloads to ensure that your equipment is where you want it so you can reach for it or stow it without having to physically look at it will breed confidence in what you are doing and increase speed and efficiency as well.
Deploying your tripod from a collapsed or stowed location and setting up your rifle to take your initial shot will make it easier to find the correct heights without having to think or look at the tripod while you do it. Which will allow you to focus on the next task at hand or allow you to look down range and square yourself up to you target before you drop the trip
od into place and set the rifle on it.
I think everyone is getting the point I am trying to make. Training is a very versatile event, and you are only limited to your imagination, determination, and drive to succeed!
Never Lose Focus
Elegance in Lethality!